In a distant land, four friends stumbled upon a vessel brimming with riches nestled within a forest. While three saw it as an opportunity to embark on a new venture, the fourth harbored darker intentions, plotting to seize the wealth for himself.
Upon reaching a nearby town, the group encountered an old woman whose humble abode seemed an ideal place to settle. With promises of rent and trust in her honest demeanor, they entrusted her with their treasure, laying down a condition that it could only be retrieved if all four of them were present.
As they set out to explore the town, exhaustion led them to seek respite beneath a banyan tree, where a passing buttermilk vendor tempted their parched throats. With no funds at hand, the fourth man seized the opportunity to retrieve the vessel, feigning permission from his companions.
Deceived by their friend's cunning, the trio returned to the old woman's home, accusing her of colluding in their loss. However, when brought before the wise king's court, the minister's keen insight exposed their hypocrisy.
Reminding them of their own agreement, the minister deftly pointed out the absence of the fourth man required to fulfill their terms. In the face of this truth, the deceitful trio stood exposed, their accusations crumbling under the weight of their own deception.
In the end, justice prevailed, as the wise minister's discernment upheld the sanctity of trust and exposed the folly of deceit. And as the old woman's tears turned to relief, the kingdom witnessed the enduring power of integrity in the face of deception.